Be Nature: A Mindful Communion with Nature

Knellee Bisram & Piero Falci: Be Nature facilitators



There’s no separation. We are nature and nature is us.

Be Nature Retreat. Join us for an experiential journey of mindful communion with nature.

NEXT COURSES & RETREATS: To be announced.

This daylong workshop/ semi-silent retreat is an invitation to explore embodied mindfulness and contemplative practices immersed in natural environments. The intention is to both deepen curiosity, connection, and communion with nature as a means to healing ourselves, and our relationships with others and our natural spaces.

We live in a world ridden by disconnection, disempowerment, and dis-ease, and many of us are working under a veil of eco-grief, climate anxiety, and serial collective traumatic events. Returning to nature is a way to return to ease, to stabilize our ecosystem, and to remember that we embody the same hope and resilience of nature.

This retreat is open to eco-activists and anyone who would like to restore their connection to nature and themselves. Must be 18 or over to participate. Weather permitting, we will be spending most of the time outdoors. Participants are encouraged to arrive early and dress in layers.


Knellee Bisram, M.A. transitioned from her career in international relations and international consulting to dedicate her efforts to AHAM Education, where she now serves as CEO and NGO Representative to the United Nations. She is a student of meditation, mindfulness and various mind-body modalities for over 35 years, a Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) instructor and Certified Center for Mind Body Medicine (CMBM) facilitator, offering programs across the Americas to various audiences.

Piero Falci teaches Mindfulness Meditation and Mindful Living, the acclaimed Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and the programs of The Center for Mind Body Medicine (CMBM). He leads Insight Meditation Silent Retreats and organizes Silent Peace Walks. He was trained by the teachers at the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and at the Mindfulness Center at Brown University. He has written several books, including the highly praised 3-book series “Mindfulness for a Better Mind, Life, and World,” and has created a variety of courses on how to apply mindfulness for the improvement of overall well-being and enjoyment of life.