NEXT WORKSHOP: To be announced
Having a group of good friends is an incredibly powerful medicine.
Research has shown that healthy relationships are fundamentally important for our mental, emotional, and physical health. And if healthy relationships are important, then good communication is very important because it is the most fundamental element for having and keeping healthy relationships.
Communications have a huge impact on our relationships. Good, clear, efficient communications can preserve and improve relationships. Unskilled communications, on the other hand, create tensions that may become difficult to dissipate.
When we listen more thoughtfully and speak more caringly, we honor ourselves and others.
Join this experiential workshop where we will explore the elements of mindful communication as a nonviolence practice. In a participatory setting, you will learn to bring more awareness to your conversations with attentive listening and thoughtful speaking. Take your nonviolence practice to the next level through focusing on how you use words, speech, and dialogue with friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers.
Communication is a rich and complex activity. Most people can speak and listen, but not everyone is capable of communicating skillfully. Please join us for an experiential workshop where we will explore mindful communication.
- Learn how to bring more awareness to your conversations with attentive listening and thoughtful speaking.
- Practice to listen more thoughtfully and speak more caringly
- Practice to notice and become aware of what is really going on within yourself.
- Avoid mindless, automatic reactions that may damage relationships
- Practice to pause, perform a mindful check-in, choose the best responses, and communicate more clearly, directly, diplomatically, and effectively
- Learn to utilize mindfulness skills to improve your ability to be clear about your needs, better understand the other person
Please join us for an experiential workshop where we will explore mindful communication.