Piero Falci is an author and an educator.
He teaches Mindfulness Meditation and Mindful Living, the acclaimed Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, the Center for Mind Body Medicine (CMBM) model, and the Mindfulness in Schools Project’s curriculum for teenagers.
Piero is a Certified MBSR Teacher, a Certified Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM) facilitator, and a Certified Mindfulness in Schools Teacher.
He received his MBSR teacher training at the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and at the Mindfulness Center at Brown University School of Public Health.
He teaches MBSR at the Jupiter Medical Center in Florida, and also online through Mindful Leader.
He is a board member of the Academy of Heart and Mind – AHAM Education
AHAM Education is a NGO with consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), a United Nations body that focuses on economic, social, cultural, and health issues, as well as human rights and fundamental freedoms. Piero is AHAM’s (NGO) Representative on Sustainability and Regeneration.
Piero has written several books, including the highly praised 6-book series, “A Better Life in a Better World” and has created a variety of courses on how to apply mindfulness for the improvement of well-being and enjoyment of life.
He leads Insight Meditation Silent Retreats, b. Nature Retreats, and organizes Silent Peace Walks.
Piero believes that the inner work that leads to personal awakening and transformation is indispensable to create a better world for all. He is devoted to helping individuals have insights that may expand selflessness and compassion and lead to the growth of kindness and care for all sentient beings and the natural environment.
He is an explorer of the mysteries of life who loves to observe, reflect, and write, and who not only aspires to live a life that matters, but also hopes to inspire others to do the same. He is a promoter of peace who believes in advancing the idea that Heaven is here if we allow it to be.
Before teaching mindfulness, Piero designed and taught several human relations improvement programs in corporations, civic groups, and schools. For many years, he occupied upper management positions in the corporate world doing business internationally. Piero studied Business Administration and Urban and Regional Economics in Brazil, Economic Development and Planning in Italy, and Public Administration in Japan.
He currently lives in Massachusetts, USA.
1 – PROGRAMS (3)
- Mindfulness for Adults: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR)
- Mind-Body Skills Group Program (MBSG)
- Mindfulness for Teenagers: .B (Dot-Be) Program
2 – WORKSHOPS (11)
- Mindfulness Meditation and Mindful Living: An Introduction
- Mindfulness and Happiness
- Mindful and Nonviolent Communication
- My Hero’s Journey: Discover Your Purpose in Life and Follow Your Bliss
- Mindful Living, Joyful Dying
- Be Nature: A Mindful Immersion in Nature for Healing People and the Planet
- A Mindful and Nonviolent Holiday Season
- Mindful Parenting
- Mindfulness and Art
- Mindfulness in the Workplace
- Mindfulness and Compassion
www.PieroFalci.com pierofalci@gmail.com