Support, Donate, Pay


Please use the ways listed below to pay for services or to make a donation:

Dear fellow explorers,
If you find value in the opportunities I create, please make a donation to support me so I can continue offering these programs, workshops, retreats, and drop-in meditation sessions. I count on your generosity to continue my mission of spreading the seeds of mindfulness, improving lives, and bringing more sanity to our world. Your donations allow me to keep studying, practicing, writing, and teaching. Take a moment to read “Dana – The Tradition of Generosity” below, and decide how much you want to give. All gifts are deeply appreciated.
Thank you.

Dana – The tradition of generosity

The practice of generosity develops loving-kindness and compassion, deepens awareness of our interconnectedness, and encourages non-attachment. 

Teachers exercise generosity by offering their teachings for free. Students exercise theirs by supporting the work of the teachers and by helping to spread the teachings. 

When we all take part in the offering and receiving, we join a large circle of generosity. Teachers share the teachings, and in turn the students offer financial support to them. 

Donations allow teachers to devote themselves to do this labor of teaching, and to offer the teachings to all populations, including those without the means to donate.

If you feel called to do so, please make a donation. Ponder on the question, “What value do these teachings have in my life?” and determine for yourself the amount that is right for you to give. 

Your gift is deeply appreciated.