My Hero’s Journey



NEXT PROGRAM: To be announced

Fridays, from 7:00 to 8:30 PM ET

Four weekly sessions via Zoom of 90 minutes each – 6 hours total

What is this workshop about?
This workshop is an opportunity for you to look deeper and to discover (or re-discover) a connection that has been lost, something that is calling for change. Perhaps you are unsure of what it is or how to do it, or perhaps you know, but are hesitant to move forward. This can make you feel lonely and isolated, but meeting others with similar experiences and intentions can take away this sense of hopelessness and isolation. Opening to and embracing whatever needs to be attended to takes courage, so let’s do it together. Here’s an opportunity to be guided on how to change if that is what you would like to do in a supportive environment. This workshop will be following the steps of The Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell.

Why should I attend it?
You may be facing a difficult season of your life and you may be afraid. Perhaps you have clarity about the source of your anxiety and fear, or not, but anyway the fear and worry may be occupying every space of your life leaving you overwhelmed and incapable of dealing with it. Or you may find yourself at a stage in life where a sense of unhappiness is surfacing, and you wonder why that is. On the outside, everything seems to be alright and nothing stands out as a reason for why you feel that way, but still you find your mind caught up in overthinking this feeling of disenchantment and discontent. You may notice that there is something inside you that is seeking a much deeper attention, but you cannot 100% grasp what that is. You might be confronted with a sense of lost meaning or purpose in your life. You feel that there is a calling for action, for changing something, but you’re unsure of what and why and how.

How is this workshop structured?
We will be meeting for four 90-minute online sessions, one session per week. The workshop will be engaging and interactive: a mix of short presentations, guided meditations, and opportunities for working in dyads or groups. In-between sessions, you will have enough time to contemplate on what is arising inside you, to review and reflect on the content of each session, to meditate (workshop meditations will be provided), to connect with others, to create art as a way to express the process (drawing, photos, writing, poetry) and then to return to the next session for further inspiration and exploration of the steps of your Hero’s Journey.

Every now and then, a time comes when we need to stop and make a deep assessment of our lives. Perhaps this comes from a major interruption in the normal flow of life created by some sort of loss, such as loss of health, loss of wealth, loss of love and security. This workshop is your opportunity to pause, take a deeper look at your life, and gain greater clarity about what is calling you. Decide what you would like to do, and envision how to proceed, and do all this in a supportive environment.

Perhaps you feel that something needs to change but you are unsure what to do and how to do it, or perhaps you know but are hesitant to move forward. The experience of being uncertain about one’s purpose in life and feeling stuck can make us feel lonely, but meeting others with similar experiences and intentions can take away the sense of isolation and hopelessness, and give us the encouragement we need to do what we feel is right. So let’s do this together! This is one of the reasons why we created this workshop: we don’t have to do it alone. Be guided on how to (re)discover your purpose in life. This workshop will be following the steps of “The Hero’s Journey” by Joseph Campbell.

Regular Fee: $120 – Can’t pay? No one is ever turned away from our regular courses. Please contact us as soon as possible at to request a reduced fee. There are a limited number of scholarships available. – Feeling generous? You may pay more than the Regular Fee and we will apply those extra funds to our Scholarship Fund which helps us cover scholarships for those unable to afford.
Pay through:
ZELLE: 954-336-6758
VENMO: @Piero-Falci
Thank you.

Facilitators: Florencia Clement de Grandprey and Piero Falci

Questions? Contact Florencia Clement de Grandprey 954-446-4126 or Piero Falci 954-336-6758

Creators: Piero Falci, Florencia Clement De Grandprey, Regina Gerlach

In order to register, all you have to do is to enter your name and your email address in the ZOOM Registration. Here’s the link. Once you register in ZOOM, you will receive more information. Thanks for joining us. We wish you a beautiful journey!

NEXT PROGRAM: To be announced