I am never alone; never!

I am not afraid. I am not worried. I am not anxious.

I am not a separated individual who has to struggle all by myself to accomplish what I want. I am not a lone warrior who has to fight against all to get what I want.

I am not apart from God; I am a part of God.

I am a manifestation of the Life Force Energy. I am part of it. Actually, since the Life Force Energy is one indivisible whole, I am not a part of it; I am It.

Therefore, I don’t have to worry and put tremendous amount of hard work and effort to create. I simply need to remove the obstacles and allow Creation to flow freely through me.

I am not afraid. I am not worried. I am not anxious, because the Universe is always on my side. I am a child of God. God is always with me, besides me. I am never alone.

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